

Aug 28, 2023

FRINGE REVIEW: Insert Clown Here a fun flip of the switch

Is the clown truly the baron, or are we watching the meta version where a clown's been “inserted here” in their rehearsed drama? Either way, it’s a fun time.

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Stage 6, The Gateway Theatre (8529 Gateway Blvd.)

3.5 stars out of 5

This melodrama, set in the 1800s, begins with an announcement that one of the lead actors isn’t present, but not to worry, they’ve found someone to fill in. That someone happens to be a clown dressed in a pylon hat and a onesie (and an outrageous layer beneath it), playing the baron.

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The family members hosting the baron for dinner literally and figuratively trip over each other in their admiration toward him, with almost everyone but grandpa seeking a marriage proposal. In particular, the brother and sister fawn over him, each vying for his affections with a demented, gleeful intensity.

As we get into the story, it becomes harder to keep track of who’s in on the joke. Are we watching characters who think the clown is truly the baron, or are we watching the meta version, in which both we and the actors know that a clown has been “inserted here” in their rehearsed drama? Either way, it’s a fun time.

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Stage 6, The Gateway Theatre (8529 Gateway Blvd.)3.5 stars out of 5included