

Nov 20, 2023

List of changes for version 2.1 of the Model Services Contract (HTML)

Published 1 August 2023

© Crown copyright 2023

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Note: The list is divided into ‘themes’ for ease of use. Corrections of typos, very minor amendments, and renumbered cross-references may not be listed. We refer to the term ‘Buyer’ here, but the term in the MSC is the ‘Authority’.

Every effort has been made to create a fulsome list of the changes at an overview level. For a full picture of the changes, and to see all relevant clause references, please see the MSC Compare Document, comparing this version 2.1 against the previous version 2.0.

Clause and paragraph numbers refer to the clauses / paras as numbered in v2.1, unless otherwise stated.

*other than GDPR PPN, above.